Everything You Need To Know About Class Action Lawsuits

A surgeon’s error might generate a medical malpractice lawsuit with one plaintiff. An interstate pileup might generate a dozen plaintiffs. Neither of these two cases will overburden a well-functioning judicial system. But what happens when a defectively manufactured medical device injures thousands of people?  That is when the need for a class action lawsuit, where […]

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What Are the Top 10 Disabilities?

Learning about the top 10 disabilities helps identify the challenges faced by millions of individuals. Disabilities can stem from various causes, including genetic conditions, injuries, and chronic illnesses. Each type presents unique challenges. Here is an overview of the top 10 disabilities in the United States. Arthritis Arthritis affects millions globally, primarily marked by joint […]

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What Is an Esquire?

When you see “Esq.” or “Esquire” after an attorney’s name at Dickerson Oxton, LLC in Kansas City, Missouri, you may wonder what it means. This traditional title has a long history and specific use in law. Our attorneys in Kansas City use this title to show they are licensed legal professionals. The term started in […]

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Many Accidents Can Cause Herniated Discs at C4/C5 or C5/C6. Here’s What You Need to Know

Herniated discs, particularly at the cervical levels C4/C5 and C5/C6, can result from various accidents. Identifying the causes, symptoms, and treatments helps you address this painful condition. This guide explores common accidents leading to herniated discs, their impact on daily life, and legal options after an injury.  Common Accidents That Lead to Herniated Discs at […]

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Is Drywall Dust Harmful?

Aside from facing the potential injuries from a construction accident, in the construction industry, workers deal with drywall on a routine basis. They install it and tear it out when necessary. Unfortunately, both the drywall itself and the joint compound (mud) used contain hazardous substances. Short- and long-term exposure to drywall dust can cause adverse health […]

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4th of July Firework Injuries in Kansas City

The 4th of July is a fun time for celebration and fireworks displays. However, it is also a time when firework-related injuries spike, which causes a significant number of emergency room visits each year. If you or a loved one have sustained 4th of July firework injuries in Kansas City, you may be entitled to […]

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How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid in Missouri?         

Personal injury lawyers in Missouri and throughout the country earn money by reaching settlements or winning verdicts for their clients. They charge their clients a contingency fee, which allows them to collect a percentage of the client’s ultimate compensation.  What Is a Contingency Fee? A contingency fee is contingent upon the outcome of the case. […]

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